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Bank of England raises UK base interest rate to 5%

July 2023

The Bank of England has raised UK interest rates to a 15-year high of 5% as it continues its battle against inflation.

Despite concerns that mortgage-holders face a time bomb of higher rates, the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)decided to raise its benchmark rate from 4.5% to 5%, an increase of half a percentage point.

It is the 13th increase in UK interest rates in a row, going back to December 2021.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said:

'High inflation is a destabilising force eating into pay cheques and slowing growth.

'Core inflation is higher in 14 EU countries and interest rates are rising around the world, but the lesson from other countries is that if you stick to your guns, you bring inflation down.

'Our resolve to do this is watertight because it is the only long-term way to relieve pressure on families with mortgages. If we don't act now, it will be worse later.'

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